1-10-25 Daily-Look (Syria) Max Blumenthal: More Lies on Syria.
Max Blumenthal: More Lies on
Everybody in media is lying about Syria and trying to push a Trump admin into bombing and staying. We the USSA must leave these places and rebuild our nation. All the USA government has done is support terror organizations via CIA. We are the reason Libya 🇱🇾 is destabilized not to mention Iraq 🇮🇶. I love my nation but I hate my governments actions.
The video above is from Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom and can be found on podcasts apps or YouTube link here https://m.youtube.com/@judgingfreedom/streams
I believe this is untrue, because it neglects support given to terror organizations through the DIA/DOD, which I believe is also ongoing. Further, the massive sums of money the USA provides Israel also enables Mossad and the IDF to support terrorists, which then can be laid at the feet of the USA as supporting terrorists through it's proxy Israel. Sorta like Anthony Fauci supporting the GoF (gain of function) bioweapons research in the WIV (Wuhan Institute of Virology) in China through Ecohealth Alliance after Obomber prevented him from funding it directly.
As bad as the proven narrative regarding US support for terrorists is, I think it's not bad enough because the US is even more supportive of terrorists than has been proved.